Sea Glass Flame
Sea Glass from the Flame a three-day flameworking workshop, taking inspiration from the north Antrim shoreline to create sculptural objects in the flame with Borosilicate glass.
Sea Glass from the Flame a three-day flameworking workshop, taking inspiration from the north Antrim shoreline to create sculptural objects in the flame with Borosilicate glass.
Elements of Place - Formed by Fire A unique five day flameworking and micro-mosaic workshop designed to expand your creative practice in glass and mosaic. Co faciltated by Andrea Spencer and Joanna Kessel at Benefield Spencer Glass studio.
Glass from Nature is a three-day flameworking workshop at The Glass Hub in Trowbridge, UK, taking inspiration from nature and working at a bench torch with Borosilicate glass. Using heat and gravity to manipulate glass in the flame you will learn methods and techniques to bend, stretch, sculpt and carve molten glass, creating sculptural objects, inspired by natural forms.
Sea Glass from the Flame a three-day flameworking workshop, taking inspiration from the north Antrim shoreline to create sculptural objects in the flame with Borosilicate glass.
Sea Glass from the Flame a three-day flameworking workshop, taking inspiration from the north Antrim shoreline to create sculptural objects in the flame with Borosilicate glass.
Benefield Spencer Glass, the North Antrim Coast’s only glassblowing studio. Inviting you behind the doors of their private studio to experience the magic of molten glass.
Hands on glassmaking experience at Benefield Spencer Glass studio, located just a few miles inland from Ballintoy village.
The experience includes demonstrations by professional glassmaker Andrea Spencer and takes a step by step approach, showing you how to heat and shape glass rods in the flame. Under Andrea's expert guidance, you will create your own unique hanging suncatcher design, inspired by the unique flora and fauna native to the Causeway coastline.
Please use the form below to enquire about booking
Personal Experience 1 person half day £115 full day £230
Duo Experience half day £75 full day £150 per person
A Group Experience half day £75 full day £150 per person
Dates available for booking start from April 11th 2024. Days available for experiences are Thursday - Saturday 10am - 12.30 pm and are bookable by email andreaspencerglass@gmail.com
Participants must be 16yrs and over.
Observation and Making in Place is a three-day workshop for artists who want to work creatively with fire and glass in unison with the elements of nature.
Benefield Spencer Glass is located in a rustic build environment, set within open fields, close to the rugged coastline and unique geological features which characterize the North Antrim Coast. This combination of studio facility and rural environment will provide the source to explore meaningful, responsive and sculptural observations of nature through the process of flameworked glass.
The focus of this workshop will encourage close observation of both the natural and rural built environment to create ideas exploring manifestations of interdependence and co-existence. We will take time to explore and investigate patterns, structures and spaces found in this natural environment. In the studio, we will work with glass rods and tubes at the torch, and will endeavor to find imaginative ways to communicate what has been observed.
The participants will have the opportunity to learn simple flame working skills that will allow them to create intricate structures, installations and objects.
Andrea Spencer and Annie Cattrell are highly experienced artists within their specialist fields, frequently exhibiting their artworks nationally and internationally. The natural environment informs both artists current work.
This is the fourth time that Annie and Andrea will collaborate to co facilitate an intensive workshop. In 2017 Annie was the lead facilitator of Materiality, Making and Meaning at Northlands Creative in Lybster, Scotland. The following year they were invited to run a five-day workshop From Within at Berlin Glass in Berlin. In 2019 Annie and Andrea co-facilitated Liminal Spaces from this glass studio on the Antrim Coast.
The emphasis, of these collaborative workshops, is concerned with the exploration of materiality and ideas and the subsequent distillation of the participant’s creative voice. Each unique workshop aims to expand upon meaningful narratives and the poetic, with emphasis on the actual location. Together, their combined approaches and skills offer a breadth of technical competence in flame working and sculpture, along with insightful and constructive guidance for each individual. Their collective experience covers public art commissions, gallery and exhibition work, lecturing and workshop facilitation.
Dates: 4 - 6 Aug 2023
Venue: Benefield Spencer Glass, Ballintoy, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK
Price: £490 pp
Level: The workshop is aimed at practicing artists. No prior flameworking experience is necessary.
No. of participants: The workshop has been designed to accommodate 5 participants. We require 5 bookings for the workshop to run. If the workshop becomes fully booked we will keep a waiting list.
Benefield Spencer Glass, the North Antrim Coast’s only glassblowing studio. Inviting you behind the doors of their private studio to experience the magic of molten glass.
Hands on glassmaking experience.
Elements of Place - Formed by Fire is a five day flameworking and micro-mosaic workshop aimed at practicing glass and mosaic artists. Co-tutored by Andrea Spencer (glass) and Joanna Kessel (mosaic) at Benefield Spencer Glass Studios, Ballintoy, Northern Ireland .
Flameworking Essentials is a two-day workshop for people who want to start at the beginning and learn the magical process of working with glass at a bench torch . Flame working also known as lampworking is the technique used to create small sculptures, beads and other three dimensional projects in glass.
From Flame to Fuse a two day workshop exploring flameworking glass techniques to create elements at the torch that can be used as inclusions in fused glass projects. This class will work with Bullseye glass to create projects out of fusing scraps and off cuts.
Flameworking evening class is series of six weekly classes for people who want to learn from the beginning, methods and techniques of working with glass at a bench torch. The class will cover the basics and essentials of working with different types of glass, including borosilicate and recycled glass.